Swaran Singh

Posted on : April 19, 2017
Author : AGA Admin

Swaran Singh is Professor of Disarmament Studies at the Centre for International Politics, Organisation and Disarmament (CIPOD), School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University (New Delhi). He is President of Association of Asia Scholars, General Secretary of Indian Association of Asian & Pacific Studies, Visiting Professor, China West Normal University and Guest Professor at Research Institute of Indian Ocean Economies (RIIO), Yunnan University of Finance and Economics (China), and Advisory Board Member of Atlanta-based Communities Without Borders Inc. He was Chief Vigilance Officer of his University (2012-15) and External Member to its Centre for East Asian Studies of JNU. Prof Singh has 25 years of experience in research and teaching and lectures at major institutions like National Defence College, Defence Services Staff College, and all other major military institutions as also Foreign Service Institute, Indian Institute for Public Administration etc. as also contributes to radio and television discussions.  JNU has already awarded 24 PhDs and 42 M.Phils under his supervision and 14 research scholars are currently under his supervision. He is also on various Selection Committees for faculty recruitment and Advisor to Research Scholars in other universities and institutions.


Prof. Singh is formerly Visiting Professor, Australian National University (Canberra), Science Po (Bordeaux, France), Hiroshima University (Japan), University of Peace (Costa Rica), Peking, Fudan and Xiamen Universities, and Shanghai Institute of International Studies and Centre for Asian Studies (Hong Kong University) in China, Asian Centre (University of the Philippines), and Chuo and Kyoto Universities (in Japan), National Cheng Chi University (Taiwan) as also Guest Faculty at Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (Sweden). He was Academic Consultant (2003-2007)at Center de Sciences Humaines (New Delhi), and workedin various positions during 1992-2000 at Institute for Defence Studies and Analysis (New Delhi). He was Member of South Asia Review Committee (2007-2009) of Asian Scholarship Foundation (Bangkok). His lectures can be viewed on YouTube and his most recent research article on “State of India’s Security Studies” published in recent issue of Millennial Asia (Sage, Sept-Nov 2015) at http://www.jnu.ac.in/Faculty/ssingh/State_of_Security.pdf


Prof Singh is on the Editorial Board of Asian Policy & Politics (Washington DC), Global Outlook (Univ of New York Tirana), Journal of the Indian Ocean Region (Hyderabad), Journal of Indian Ocean Studies (Delhi), and Millennial Asia (Delhi), Suraksha Chintan (Meerut) as also Referee on various academic journals. He also contributes to print and visual media including South China Morning Post (Hong Kong), China Daily and Global Times (Beijing), Tong Feng Zao Pao (Shanghai) and The Hindu, Indian Express and the New Indian Express (in India). He has published in Journal of International Affairs (Columbia University), Security Challenges (Australian National University), Journal of Indian Ocean Region (Perth, Australia), Issues & Studies (Taiwan National University), African Security (Institute of Security Studies), BISS Journal (Dhaka), Asian Studies Journal, Financial & Economic Review, Xiaman University Journal, International Studies (in China), and Strategic Analysis, USI Journal, Peace Initiatives, Journal of Indian Ocean Studies, Millennial Asia, Journal of Air Power Studies, South Asian Survey, Indian Defence Review, and China Report (in India).


Prof Singh travels and writes extensively on Asian Affairs, China’s foreign and security policy issues with special focus on China-India confidence building measures as also on Arms Control and Disarmament, Peace and Conflict Resolution, India’s foreign and security policy issues.  He has co-edited BCIM Economic CorridorChinese and Indian Perspectives (Adroit 2017), Transforming South Asia: Imperatives for Action (2013); India and the GCC Countries, Iran and Iraq: Emerging Security Perspectives (2013), On China By India: From Civilization to State (Cambria 2012), Emerging China: Prospects for Partnership in Asia (Routledge 2012), Asias Multilateralism (in Chinese, 2012) published from Shanghai; Edited China-Pakistan Strategic Cooperation: Indian Perspectives (2007) Co-authored Regionalism in South Asian Diplomacy (SIPRI Policy Paper No. 15, February 2007) and authored Nuclear Command & Control in Southern Asia: China, India, Pakistan (2010), China-India Economic Engagement: Building Mutual Confidence (2005), China-South Asia: Issues, Equations, Policies (2003), China’s Changing National Security Doctrines (1999) and Limited War: The Challenge of US Milit2ary Strategy (1995). Prof Singh’s Twitter handle is: @SwaranSinghJNU

/ Swaran Singh

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