“Unequal” Pay and Gender Discrimination
Posted on : September 23, 2019Author : AGA Admin
Worldwide, women only make 77 cents for every dollar earned by men. As a result, there’s a lifetime of income inequality between men and women.This stubborn inequality in the average wages between men and women persists in all countries and across all sectors. Even though the work that women do may require equal or more effort and skills, it is less valued and remunerated. For women of colour, immigrant women and mothers, the gap widens. The so-called “motherhood penalty” pushes women into the informal economy, or casual and part-time work and this generally tends to be more prevalent in developing countries than in developed countries.There are of course exceptions and a recent article in the New York Times entitled “Craving Freedom: Japan’s Women Opt out of Marriage” shows how women in Japan are forgoing marriage as Japanese wives and mothers are expected to bear the brunt of housework, child rearing and taking care of elderly relatives that adversely affects their careers.
While different countries around the world strive to focus on the welfare of their citizens by eradicating religious intolerance and promoting individual rights, a major issue that is often neglected is the discrimination faced by women at workplaces. According to statistical data, 70 percent of women are not granted jobs in spite of being eligible for them. For instance job profiles publish their advertisements in such a way that it is evident that women are still considered to be incompetent for certain jobs. The conventional belief is that women should stay back at home and manage household chores while men are the bread-earners.
However, this wasnot the case in ancient India where women were equally active in spheres of literature and court life. Gender disparities widened in the later Vedic Period and discrimination against women became severe. Frombeing prohibited from entering religious places to getting barred from basic education, slowly women’s basic right to opine and live their lives on their terms was reduced. Masculine and feminine roles therefore were ideas imposed on the society by the men in power. And it is this predicament that continues even today.
In a developing country like India where every avenue is under expansion women workers are not treated equally. According to Global Gender World report published in 2011, India was ranked 113 on the Gender Gap Index. The presumption that women are unfit for certain jobs robbed them of major opportunities. The unfair treatment of women and their loss of status in the societyis also the result of lower literacy rates.The constant discouragement faced by a woman at the workplace is detrimental to her status in the society. Even if she bags the job, the wages are inadequately paid. Over the years this has instigated numerous protests by feminist groups.
The Equal Remuneration Act of 1976under Article 39 of the Indian Constitution allows womenthe right to claim equal pay. Employers must pay male and female employees equally for the same position. Also, employers cannot discriminate against women during the hiring process. In addition to these laws women who face any harassment/discomfort at work, should not hesitate to speak up and take appropriate action because by remaining silent one not only does disservice tooneself, but to countless other women who might fall prey to the same situation. Heath, safety, welfare, proper working hours, leave and other benefits are covered under the Factories Act 1948. Maternity Benefit Act ensures paid maternity leave to women employees.
All of this legislation however needs to be translated into practice and here certain factors are important among them a strong belief among both men and women about equality and the importance and awareness of equal benefits. The courage not to fall prey to discrimination is equally significant. The state can also play a role by creating awareness about these rights among all sections of society. Misogyny and sexism can only be eradicated from the workplace if every individual takes up the responsibility todo so.
Asia in Global Affairs
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