Anita Sengupta
Dr Anita Sengupta is currently Director, Asia in Global Affairs, Kolkata. She has been Fellow, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Institute of Asian Studies, Kolkata, Senior Fellow, Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi and Director, Calcutta Research Group, Kolkata. She is an area studies specialist engaged with the study of the Eurasian region. Her areas of interest include issues of identity politics, migration, gender, borders, critical geopolitics and logistics. She has collaborated with scholars in a number of Universities and Institutes in Tashkent, Bishkek, Almaty, Ankara, Istanbul, Sweden, Berlin, Washington. She has been a visiting scholar in Humbolt University, part of the Swedish International Programme on Central Asia (SIPCAS) and the Nordic Network for Research on Migration, Identity, Communication and Security (MICS). Her most recent publication is India’s Eurasian Alternatives in an Era of Connectivity: Historic Connects and new Corridors, Europe Asia Connectivity Series, Palgrave MacMillian (Springer Nature Singapore) 2024 and Anita Sengupta and Priya Singh (eds) China in India’s Neighbourhood: Shifting Regional Narratives, Routledge, 2024. She is the author of Heartlands of Eurasia: The Geopolitics of Political Space, (Lexington Books July 2009); The Formation of the Uzbek Nation-State: A Study in Transition, (Lexington Books, 2003) and Frontiers into Borders: The Transformation of Identities in Central Asia, (Hope India Publications and Greenwich Millennium Press Ltd, 2002). Her book Heartlands of Eurasia: The Geopolitics of Political Space published in 2009 was selected by the Oxford Bibliographies Online in 2011 as a must read on the section Geopolitics and Geo-strategy. She is a regular commentator on debates on Asian affairs. She is member of the Editorial Board of the Cambridge Journal of Eurasian Studies, Ideas and Ideals published by the Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management and Contemporary History of Uzbekistan, published by the Academy of Sciences Uzbekistan. She is also Advisory Board member of Strategic Foresight a journal published by TASAM (Turkish Asian Centre for Strategic Studies) Istanbul and member of Editorial Board of Rising Powers Quarterly, Istanbul, International Research, Society, Politics, Economics, a journal published by the Institute of Socio-Political Research, published from Astana, Kazakhstan. She is a contributor to DNA Edit columns and contributes regularly to public debates as an expert.
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